Vestnorden hotels with new kitchen

Jesper Uhrup Jensen, editor-in-chief of the Nordic Gourmet magazine Gastro, finds it fully deserved, but surprisingly, restaurant Koks in Torshavn in the Faroe Islands got a Michelin star.

”I admit, I didn´t think they would. Not because Koks did not deserve it, but because The Faroe Island to be honest is too far uplands,” says gastro editor Jesper Uhrup Jensen. ”I thought that Torshavn, where Koks is located, was too far uplands that Michelin would give such a strong recommendation.

In addition to Koks, there is nothing at the same level to go to the Faroe Islands for discerning travelers. But it is well looked after by Michelin. It shows that Michelin has become more courageous in their choice. The restaurant is fully worth the star, ” Jesper Uhrup Jensen says.

Michelin has previously been criticized for being very classically oriented, with an unwavering foundation in French gastronomy, and to be too slow to recognize the new Nordic kitchen wave. But with the choice of Koks, it is a criticism that becomes difficult to maintain.

“Koks is the brand, brand of Nordic cuisine – too full – it’s the Faroe Islands on a plate,” says Jesper Uhrup Jensen, who, from his visit to the restaurant, remembers a kitchen full of intense taste.

“The Faroese cuisine is traditionally a fish farm and farmhouse in a harsh climate and under some conditions where you have to get a lot of it. It has resulted in many hanging and fermented goods, such as a piece of “skærpekød” (wind-dried sheep meat stored for half a year.). It’s not necessarily what you always want, but in the hands of Koks´ chefs it turns into amazing gourmet food. ”

Jesper Uhrup Jensen also succumbed to the exceptional freshness of the raw materials.

“It appears through a rare delicate flavor in, for example, Norway lobster and scallops.”

This is the first time that a Faroese Haute Cuisine restaurant has been awarded the prestigious honor, which recognizes KOKS’ contribution to enhancing the unique and fascinating local culinary culture.

Koks is owned by Gist & Vist (Sleep and Eat) company, which also owns 14 more hotels, restaurants and bars in The Faroe Islands.

Next opening in this summer will be a Mikeller bar.

Johannes Jensen, CEO of Gist&Vist:

“Since his appointment as chef in January 2014, Poul Andrias Ziska has advocated a contemporary Faroese cuisine that draws its strength from its strong heritage, but is also ambitious in its creativity.

At KOKS, our aim is to create the ultimate dining experience. An experience strongly influenced by our deep-rooted Faroese traditions and the remarkable local produce found at our doorstep. KOKS’ identity is founded on the distinctive and unique Faroese food traditions, on accessibility to the world’s best local produce, and on the expertise of Faroese chefs who embody the unparalleled Faroese food culture.”