Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bomb attacks in Bangkok forgotten in six months

"The bombs in Bangkok are not a turning point for tourism in Thailand. If it had happened 10-15 years ago, it would had been...

JetBlue is Over-Hiring Staff Because Existing Employees Are Quitting En Masse

JetBlue boss Robin Hayes says the Long Island-based airline is over-hiring new workers because existing employees are leaving the beleaguered carrier in their droves. Earlier...

Winter travel to Tunisia canceled

Following the terrorist attack in the tourist area of Sousse, all trips to Tunisia this summer was canceled from tour operators in Scandinavia. Now detur...

No Hot Food For Passengers On Some JetBlue Flights

Passengers on some of JetBlue’s flights across the transatlantic won’t be served any hot food because the airline hasn’t installed enough ovens on the...

Exclusive functions

Sponsored sessions aimed at captive engagement with select audiences are at an all-time high this IT&CMA 2015, with exclusive networking functions on 30 September. Having...

Amadeus modernises Lufthansa Group distribution deal

Lufthansa Group and Amadeus are expanding their partnership to further modernise travel distribution and retailing. As of quarter four this year, Lufthansa Group airlines’ NDC-sourced...

Turmoil will affect Turkey next summer 

After the recent turmoil in Turkey charter agencies in Scandinavia have not yet taken a position on how it will affect the desire to...

Schiphol Airport Slashes Passenger Numbers Until April 2023 Due

Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport will continue to “drastically” slash passenger numbers over the next six months as it struggles to recruit enough security staff and...

Gratitude goes up

Cruise passengers are paying more in gratuities, as almost all big cruise lines seek to retain and attract good service personnel and remain competitive...

Your airplane seat is going to keep shrinking

It seems like airplane seats couldn’t get any smaller, but the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) is currently seeking public comments to determine if airlines...
Singapore Airlines
KM Malta Airlines

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T&E spending rose 4% in Q1, according to American Express

Despite "soft" spending trends from its small and midsize commercial customers, American Express saw a 4% year-over-year increase in travel and entertainment spending by...


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